Pomp, pageantry and putti

Cycling Along the Upper Swabian Baroque Route

Die Barocke Bibliothek mit Prunk und Stuck im Kloster Bad Schussenried ist beeindruckend.
A Baroque Time Travel in Upper Swabia

BW Story - Bernd Sautter

A Baroque Time Travel in Upper Swabia

Great works of art and a connoisseur culture to enjoy: experience all this and more on a cycling tour along the Upper Swabian Baroque Route.

Are books really all that is important here? The magnificent library in the former monastery in Bad Schussenried naturally tells many stories at once: about the human desire for knowledge, the monastery’s wealth in the 18th century and the skill and talent of the two artists who created the room, painter Franz Georg Hermann and sculptor Fidelis Sporer. Between them, they created a rococo gem, in which the pictures, colours and sculptures almost make the bookshelves swing and vibrate. 

Die Barocke Bibliothek mit Prunk und Stuck im Kloster Bad Schussenried ist beeindruckend.
The Baroque library with its pomp and stucco in the Bad Schussenried monastery is impressive.
Die Klosteranlae Bad Schussenried von oben betrachtet.
The Bad Schussenried monastery complex seen from above.
Das Kloster Bad Schussenried ist sehr gut erhalten.
Bad Schussenried monastery is very well preserved and easy to reach by bike.

The famous library is one of the main attractions of the Upper Swabian Baroque Route, which connects approximately 55 baroque places of interest over 860 kilometres (around 535 miles). And if you prefer to travel through this hilly landscape at a slower pace, you can follow one of many cycle routes for its Baroque treasures, such as the Upper Swabia-Allgäu cycle trail, whose sixth stage passes Aulendorf and Bad Saulgau.

Idyllische Alleen führen uns zu Kirchen und Klöstern in Oberschwaben.
Idyllic avenues lead to the churches and monasteries in Upper Swabia.
Die Oberschwäbische Barockstraße lässt sich auch gut mit dem Rad erkunden.
The Upper Swabian Baroque Road is perfect to explore by bike.

A weekend in the Baroque. Zest for life. Yearning for death. Transience. Celebrate life or renounce worldly pleasure? The Baroque was definitely a time full of stark contrasts, but that is exactly what makes it so fascinating. Nowadays, Upper Swabia prefers to concentrate on the life-affirming aspects of the period, which was badly shaken by the Thirty Years’ War and the conflicts arising throughout the Reformation. Listen to the tones of Baroque organs, take photos of putti and angels, enjoy Upper Swabia’s cuisine and cycle effortlessly on an electric bike through the cultural landscape of chapels and tree-lined roads. In Aulendorf, where the tour starts, Doris Schenk, alias Countess Paula, chats as she guides the castle’s visitors through her daily life in the 1880s. 

Wir besuchen die Kirche St. Martin in Aulendorf in Oberschwaben.
On our tour we visit the church of St. Martin in Aulendorf.
Im Schloss Aulendorf erwartet uns eine Führung der besonderen Art. Gräfin Paula führt uns durch die Schlossanlage.
Aulendorf Castle offers guided tours of a special kind. Countess Paula guides through her castle grounds.
Wir besuchen die Pfarrkirche in Bad Saulgau in Oberschwaben.
The parish church in Bad Saulgau is also worth a visit.

Bad Schussenried welcomes cyclists at that unique library, in which you decide to read more on the spot. And Siessen Convent in Bad Saulgau is fascinating – because nuns still live there, even today. Sister Emanuela guides culture-lovers through this tranquil world shaped by women – the convent church of St Mark and the exhibition of the works of Sister Maria Innocentia, born Berta Hummel, and her drawings of sweet, stylized children that became the basis for the famous Hummel figurines.

Im Franziskanergarten befindet sich ein üppiger Kräutergarten.
In the St Francis Garden in the Siessen convent in Bad Saulgau there is a lush herb garden.

Later, in the St Francis Garden, you can listen to the saint’s Canticle of the Sun and visit some of the stations created a few years ago to invite you to reflect: a human sundial, a spring, a labyrinth, Brother Death, ponds, a herb garden, a beehive. Light and shadows, endings and new beginnings. In essence, the contrasts of the Baroque shape our lives too.

More Information on the Tour


More Information on the Tour

Wallfahrtskirche St. Peter und Paul Steinhausen

Vacation route

Upper Swabian Baroque Route - Main route

  • 372.1 km
  • 95:04 h
  • 3267 m
Kloster Roggenburg

Vacation route

Upper Swabian Baroque Route - Eastern Route

  • 159.5 km
  • 02:27 h
  • 951 m
Schloss und Schlosskirche St. Marien Insel Mainau

Vacation route

Upper Swabian Baroque Route - Southern Route

  • 149.4 km
  • 01:47 h
  • 1054 m
Neues Schloss Meersburg

Vacation route

Upper Swabian Baroque Route - Western Route

  • 178.1 km
  • 51:00 h
  • 852 m
Zwischenstopp im Wurzacher Ried

Long distance cycle path

Upper Swabia-Allgäu Cycle Route

  • 365 km
  • 26:00 h
  • 2161 m
Blick auf den Federseesteg und auf das Moor

Long distance cycle path

Upper Swabia-Allgäu Cycle Route – 6th LEG | From Aulendorf to Bad Buchau

  • 38 km
  • 02:30 h
  • 299 m
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