The Museum Tour’s starting point is Gomadingen. In Gomadingen the Felix-Hollenberg-Gallery displays more than 350 oil- and water colour paintings, as well as graphics by the artist Felix Hollenberg. Next on the tour is the “Gestütsmuseum” Offenhausen. Here the history of the “Haupt- und Landesgestüt Marbach” ,the world famous stud farm, is exibited.The Exibition shows objects from the beginning of the stud farm and the history of horse farming in Baden-Württemberg. In the gardens of the monistery you can visit the source of the river Lauter. The next stop on the tour is Engstingen. Here the automobile museum shows oldtimers, antic motorbikes and scooters. Next up is the “Bauernhausmuseum” in Ödenwaldstetten. The visitor is invited to expierence the life and work of farmer’s in and around Ödenwaldstetten in former times. In Münsingen-Buttenhausen the Jewish Museum tells the story of the jewish community of Buttenhausen. In Buttenhausen as well, you find the memorial and former birth place of Mattihias Erzberger, a influencial politician. Between Buttenhausen and Gomadingen – the start and end point of the tour – you come along the beautiful Lauter Valley and the “Haupt- und Landesgestüt Marbach”.
In Gomadingen startet zudem der Planetenweg. Auf einer Länge von 9,8 km wird hier das Sonnensystem im Maßstab 1:1 Milliarde dargestellt.
The starting point of the tour is the market place in Gomadingen. From there turn left into “Uracher Straße”. After about 200m, turn left, cross the rail tracks and continue along them. At the next intersection turn right, cross the rail tracks again and follow along the river Lauter towards Offenhausen. Having reached Offenhausen the first stop on the tour is the “Gestütsmuseum”, which is located in a former monastery. A short walk gets you to the spring of the river Lauter. Next the route takes you past Kohlstetten to Engstingen. In Engstingen turn left at the first intersection into “Reutlinger Straße”. After a few hundred meters turn right into “Kleinengstingerstraße” to get to the automobile museum. The museum is located to your left hand side. After a visit to the museum return to “Reutllinger Straße”. Follow the road through Engstingen and change onto the bikeway. After two short patches of forest turn left and take the way into the forest. At the end of the forest turn right towards Bernloch. For the next section you have to take the countryroad befor a bikeway runs alongside it. Once you get to Bernloch, turn into “Grubäckerweg”. At the first intersecton turn left, and right at the second. Follow the way until you reach a groove of trees and turn right. Now the route continues to Ödenwaldstetten. Cross the main road and move on straight until you get to “Unter den Linden”. At the end of the road turn left and after around 100m turn right. The “Bauernhausmuseum” is to your left. After a visit to the museum continue on the same way. At a groove of trees on your left hand side, turn left. when you get to the main road between Öde4nwaldstetten and Eglingen turn right right onto the bikeway towards Eglingen. In Eglingen turn right into “Silbertalweg”. The tour continues eastwards.
Shortly after crossing the main raod you see three fir trees. Turn left here. Next up is the “Fladhof” and the Lauter Valley. The route takes you through the Lauter Valley to Buttenhausen. To get to the Jewish Museum turn right once in Buttenhausen, cross the River Lauter and turn right again, into “Zwiefalter Straße”. After the visit to the museum return over the Lauter Bridge and out of Buttenhausen, where the road leads up to a steep hill. Before reaching Wasserstetten cross the River Lauter at a wooden bridge. The bikeway takes you all the way to Dapfen. In Dapfen turn left and follow alongside the river. In Schelmenbühl follow the “Lauertalstraße” to the “Haupt- und Landesgestüt Marbach”. From there the route takes you back to Gomadingen.
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