Trail to "Sankenbach" lake and waterfall
Details der Tour
Empfohlene Jahreszeit
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Besonderheiten der Tour
Aussichtsreich / Faunistische Highlights
Alternatively you can get the bus or train back to Freudenstadt from Baiersbronn or Friedrichstal.
Follow the blue diamond towards Bärenschlössle across the “Lossburger Straße”, passing the fountains to leave the market square by going straight ahead down the “Finkenbergstrasse” to the “Rappenstrasse”. Then turn right to the “Adler Terrace“ (signpost Adler-Anlagen) (with a view of the “Bärenschlössle” and its crow-stepped roof). Walk down into the Christophstal valley and follow the blue diamond over the bridge Forbach-Brücke to the Bärenschlössle and further on to the deer-park (Wildgehege). At Harrerbuckel you can enjoy the view of Freudenstadt. After 500 m turn left and follow the “Meisenhüttenweg”, keeping uphill towards Kniebis and Sankenbach waterfall. At Weihermisse, take the narrow footpath branching off to the right (yellow diamond), afterwards turning left onto the tarred trail to the Wasserfallhütte. Now, an almost alpine footpath (blue diamond) leads steeply down alongside the Waterfall to the Sankenbachsee lake. This lake is one of 7 glacial lakes in the northern Black Forest. Walk along the Sankenbach valley towards Baiersbronn (yellow diamond), past signs for Sankenbach-Kessel and Sankenbach-Furt to Sankenbach-Brückle. From there the yellow diamond leads uphill to the Stöckerkopf mountain and the Glasmännlehütte chalet (signposts: Spielplatzwegle, Wildgehege, Sohlberg, Stöckerkopfwegle). You get a wonderful view over Baiersbronn before returning to Freudenstadt. From Stöckerkopf the yellow diamond leads down to Friedrichstal Michaeliskirche and Fischerhäusle. Passing the fish ponds, follow the valley via Christophstal and Bärenschlössle back uphill towards Freudenstadt.
(The words printed in bold are the names of the signposts.)
From Sankenbach-Brückle walk directly to Baiersbronn (follow the blue diamond, 14 km).
From Stöckerkopf take the chairlift to the bottom and walk to Baiersbronn station (15 km).
From Friedrichstal: bus or train back to Freudenstadt (16 km).
No accessibility in case of snow.
Weitere Informationen
Informationen zur einheitlichen Wegebeschilderung im Schwarzwald siehe Die Beschilderung besteht aus Hauptwegweisern mit Standortangabe und verschiedenen Zielen mit Entfernungsangabe sowie verschiedenfarbigen Rauten, die den Wanderer von einem Schilderstandort zum nächsten leiten (örtliche Wanderwege = gelbe Raute / regionale Wanderwege = blaue Raute / Fernwanderwege & Themenwege = eigene Raute oder Toursymbol pro Weg).